Creating Webhooks
Setting up a Webhook
To set up a new webhook go to your church Admin >> Integrations >> Webhooks. On that page you will see a list of active webhooks as well as an option to add a new one. Click Add Webhook. On this screen you will see several configuration settings described below.
Webhook URL
This is the URL of the server or service you would like to receive the webhook requests.
The Events section is where you define the events you would like your webhook to receive. We recommend only selecting the events you plan to take action on in order to not overwhelm your server. A full list of events, when they execute, and the associated schema can be found in the Webhook Events reference.
The Church Online Platform generates a secret key for each Webhook URL that is used to sign each request. This allows you to guarantee the requests sent to your Webhook URL are from the Church Online Platform. For more details on how this secret is used, see Securing Webhooks.
When adding a new webhook, it will be enabled by default. At any point you can choose to disable the delivery of Events to a webhook.
When you decide that a particular webhook is no longer needed you can remove it entirely from your account.
Updated over 4 years ago